2021 Fort McMurray Marathon welcomes presenting partners — Fort McMurray Marathon

2021 Fort McMurray Marathon welcomes presenting partners

(Fort McMurray, AB, August 31, 2021) – The Fort McMurray Marathon Organizing Committee is pleased to welcome several presenting partners to the 2021 Fort McMurray Marathon.

Since 2012, runners from Fort McMurray Wood Buffalo and beyond have participated in the annual Fort McMurray Marathon at the end of September. In 2020, the event was cancelled due to COVID-19 provincial restrictions; in 2021, the race will be presented as a hybrid event with an in-person race day on September 26, 2021 or an opportunity to participate in a virtual run from September 11-24, 2021.

The 2021 Fort McMurray Marathon is welcoming the following presenting partners on board this year:

  • Pepsi – Full Marathon, Half Marathon and 10K

  • Inter Pipeline - 5K and 3K

  • Syncrude – Kid’s Fun Run

 “We are so grateful to our Fort McMurray Marathon presenting partners for joining us for the event this year,” said Alexis Tallon, Fort McMurray Marathon Organizing Committee Chair. She added: “We are seeing tremendous excitement as we prepare to welcome our race participants, and the support of all of our partners ensures we can provide a great experience!”

In addition, the Fort McMurray Marathon thanks Culligan Water, Harvard Broadcasting, and AlumaSafway for their support of the event this year.

 Participants can register now for the Pepsi Marathon, Pepsi Half Marathon, Pepsi 10k, Inter Pipeline 5k and Inter Pipeline 3k.

 The Fort McMurray Marathon is presented through a partnership between the Regional Recreation Corporation of Wood Buffalo (RRCWB) and the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo (RMWB).

For more information about sponsorship opportunities, please contact: sponsorship@rrcwb.ca

Registration for the 2021 Fort McMurray Marathon is available at: fortmcmurraymarathon.ca


For more information, please contact: communications@rrcwb.ca
